What are student development loans?

Student development loans are provided to increase the learning opportunities of students and young people, and to improve the quality and competitiveness of higher education institutions, and an average of 250 students participate each term. Loan requests are accepted every semester and payments are made based on the credit of the course to be studied in that semester. Prior to 2020, loans were granted regardless of major, so all eligible students were open to the loan. According to Clause 1 of Government Resolution No70 dated February 19, 2020 on measures to be taken regarding the Education Loan Fund, "Demand and priority professions" included 2 programs: Bio-Medical Researcher and Public Health Researcher. Students studying in 2 programs were eligible for Student Development Loans. In 2022, the Ministry of Education and Science conducted a survey of popular and leading professions and submitted proposals. When the priority and popular professional areas of development were revised in Resolution No.115 of the Government of Mongolia dated March 29, 2023, 10 programs of MNUMS were included, and the students studying in these programs Student development loans are now available and financial support for students is more accessible..


Student Development Loans are interest-free, collateral-free, and degree-free, and are paid in monthly installments over 1-6 years after graduation, according to a repayment schedule.


  • Average score of 600 or higher in the general entrance exam of the new recruit
  • Full-time undergraduate student with a GPA of 2.8 or higher
  • Be registered in the higher education management information system
  • At least 15 course credits for that semester
  • Citizens who are studying to acquire a second profession or who have received or are currently studying at a foreign university with the financing of the Education Loan Fund are not eligible for the loan.

Priority and in-demand professions approved by Government Resolution No. 115 of 2023:

  • Bio-Medical Researcher
  • Public health researcher
  • Health social worker
  • Occupational health and safety specialist
  • Medical Equipment and Installation Engineer
  • Diagnostic imaging technician
  • Laboratory technician
  • Oral hygienist
  • Pharmacy technician
  • ObstetricsБио-Анагаах судлаач

Registration materials /students applying for new loans/

  • Copy of identity card
  • Application form for loan request and repayment
  • Original General Entrance Test Certificate
  • Essay on determining future goals /contribution to society by taking a loan and what


Grants will be provided in accordance with the "Procedures for State Financial Support to Students in Higher Education Institutions" approved by Appendix 3 of Resolution No. 346 of 2022 of the Government of Mongolia.

Grants for tuition fees (30 credits per year) will be granted to the following students who are studying at least 12 full-time courses in one term of the academic year in a bachelor's level day class of an accredited institution of higher education in Mongolia:

1. Complete orphan student
2. Parents with disabilities / both students of bachelor program with disabilities / parents'
shares are not applicable/

3. One student of a bachelor's program from a household with a member who has
completely lost his ability to work /The rate of incapacity for work should be more than 70
4. If 3 or more children from the same family are simultaneously studying for a bachelor's
degree in a higher education institution, 1 child
5. The student himself/herself is disabled

•Does not apply to students who are participating in a bachelor's program for the second time.
It also does not apply to diploma students.

• The student eligible for financial support is enrolled in the educational institution according
to the appropriate procedure and is registered in the education management system. /If you
are not registered in the management and information system of higher education, you cannot


A complete orphan student

1. Application
2. Reference of the national identity card /obtained from E-Mongolia./
3. Birth registration reference /obtained from E-Mongolia./
4. Confirmation of the general entrance examination /new entrant/
5. Copy of secondary education certificate
6. Copy of the identity card of parents, guardians and students
7. Study permit issued by the central state administrative organization in charge of education
/new entrants/
8. Definition of support determined by the provision of the grant of the governor of the
district, district/committee, district/
9. Copies of documents certifying the death of parents
10. Description of the school
11. Score sheet (2022-2023 academic year spring semester results) /does not apply to 1st year

Parents with disabilities

1. Application
2. Reference of the national identity card /obtained from E-Mongolia./
3. Birth registration reference /obtained from E-Mongolia./
4. Confirmation of the general entrance examination /new entrant/
5. Description of the school

6. Copy of secondary education certificate
7. ID card reference of parents and guardians
8. Study certificate /new entrant/
9. Definition of support determined by the provision of the grant of the governor of the
district, district/committee, district/
10. Certificate of rate and period of incapacity for work /Bring with E-Mongolia reference/
11. Disability retirement certificate / obtained from E-Mongolia /
12. The statement of the last 3 months of benefits of the account receiving benefits. / Only the
statement of the day of the allowance, other days' statements are not required./
13. Score sheet (2022-2023 academic year spring semester results) /does not apply to 1st year

A family that has lost its ability to work

1. Application
2. Reference of the national identity card /obtained from E-Mongolia./
3. Birth registration reference /obtained from E-Mongolia./
4. Confirmation of the general entrance examination /new entrant/
5. Description of the school
6. Copy of secondary education certificate
7. ID card reference of parents and guardians
8. Study certificate /new entrant/
9. Definition of support determined by the provision of the grant of the governor of the
district, district/committee, district/
10. Certificate of rate and period of incapacity for work /Bring with E-Mongolia reference/
11. Disability retirement certificate / obtained from E-Mongolia /
12. The statement of the last 3 months of benefits of the account receiving benefits. / Only the
statement of the day of the allowance, other days' statements are not required./
13. If the disabled person is not his or her father or mother, a copy of the person's identity
card and references of relatives
14. Score sheet (2022-2023 academic year spring semester results) /does not apply to 1st year

The student himself has a disability

1. Application
2. Reference of the national identity card /obtained from E-Mongolia./

3. Birth registration reference /obtained from E-Mongolia./
4. Confirmation of the general entrance examination /new entrant/
5. Copy of secondary education certificate
6. Copy of the identity card of parents, guardians and students
7. Study certificate issued by the central state administrative organization in charge of
8. Definition of support determined by the provision of the grant of the governor of the
district, district/committee, district/
9. Deed on rate and period of incapacity for work /Bring with E-Mongolia reference/
10. Description of the school
11. Disability retirement certificate / must have been obtained from E-Mongolia/
12. The statement of the last 3 months of benefits of the account receiving benefits. / Only the
statement of the day of the allowance, other days' statements are not required./
13. Score sheet (2022-2023 academic year spring semester results) /does not apply to 1st year

3 students per family

1. Application
2. Reference of the national identity card /obtained from E-Mongolia./
3. Birth registration reference /obtained from E-Mongolia./
4. Confirmation of the general entrance examination /new entrant/
5. Copy of secondary education certificate
6. Copy of the identity card of parents, guardians and students
7. Study permit issued by the central state administrative organization in charge of education
/new entrants/
8. Definition of support determined by the provision of the grant of the governor of the
district, district/committee, district/
9. Description of the school
10.3 student's school description, receipt of payment and transcript
11.3 reference of the student's relatives
12. Score sheet (2022-2023 academic year spring semester results) /does not apply to 1st year


Collect the materials in a perforated folder and receive them at the Student Development and Administration Office, No. 236, the main building of MNUMS. Materials will not be accepted if the documents are missing, so please come complete.



1. If the period of incapacity for work has expired, an act of extension of the period must be prepared (attach the reference from E-Mongolia). /A4 signed by the commission/ In the lower left corner of the copy of the renewal act, the student should write his RD.
2. In the case of Incapacity for Work Act, bring the statement of the last 3 months of benefits of the account receiving benefits (form of pension determination for disability from E- Mongolia). In the lower left corner, the student may have written his RD.
3. If 3 students from the same family study, it will be extended after bringing the descriptions and transcripts of 2 undergraduate students.
4. All students who want to be included will be included if their grades in the 2nd quarter or spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year are higher than 2.0. In the case of 3 students from one family, the GPA must be above 2.8. Winter and summer grades are not counted.
5. The student's grade point average will be obtained with a seal and signature from the faculty members, so the student does not need to bring a copy of the grade point average. /New students will bring their own/
6. There is no need to come as renewal of orphan students will be done based on the GPA of the previous semester.
7. If you have been excluded from previous participation /due to GPA, etc./, if you have not participated in the 2022-2023 school year, you will need to come and renew it in person.

The nurse scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the "Regulations on State Financial Support for Students in Higher Education Institutions" approved by Appendix 3 of Resolution No. 346 of 2022 of the Government of Mongolia.

70 percent (21 credits) of the student's GPA in the previous semester is 2.8 – 2.99, and 100 percent (30 credits) if it is above 3.0. If you have paid the tuition fee in advance, you can transfer it to the next year's payment or send a request for refund to the account responsible for payment (No. 227 of MNUMS) and it will be decided according to the procedure.


Check Tuition Payment:

You can check your tuition payment at oyutan.unicus.mn.
You can check your financial support in the reference section of http://grant.elf.gov.mn/.


•Does not apply to students who are participating in a bachelor’s program for the second time.

First-year students must have an IEP score of 501 or higher.


Required materials:

1. Application (requested to apply for a scholarship to the Department for Student Development and
Management of MNUMS)
2. Identity card reference (from Emongolia)
3. Birth registration reference (from Emongolia)
4. Confirmation of IEP (can be obtained from Emongolia)
5. Copy of secondary education certificate (can be obtained from Emongolia)
6. Perforated folder

Occupational therapist and movement therapist professional scholarship

The nurse scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the "Regulations on State Financial Support for Students in Higher Education Institutions" approved by Appendix 3 of Resolution No. 346 of 2022 of the Government of Mongolia.


100 percent (30 credits) will be awarded if the student's previous semester GPA is above 2.0. If you have paid the tuition fee in advance, you can transfer it to the next year's payment or send a request for refund to the account responsible for payment (No. 227 of MNUMS) and it will be decided according to the procedure.


Check Tuition Payment:


You can check your tuition payment at oyutan.unicus.mn.
You can check your financial support in the reference section of http://grant.elf.gov.mn/.


•Does not apply to students who are participating in a bachelor’s program for the second time.


First-year students are required to pass the IEP threshold.

Required materials:

1. Application (requested to apply for a scholarship to the Department for Student Development and Management of MNUMS)
2. Identity card reference (from Emongolia)
3. Birth registration reference (from Emongolia)
4. Confirmation of IEP (can be obtained from Emongolia)
5. Copy of secondary education certificate (can be obtained from Emongolia)
6. Perforated folder