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High school

About us
The High school of Mongolian National University of Medical Science started its educational activities in 2003 at the 21st school of the capital under the name of the high school with in-depth study of natural sciences, on the initiative of Gombojav.J, a teacher and associate professor of the Department of Physics and Informatics of Mongolian Medical University.
In 2015, by order No. A/206 of the Minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, after receiving a special license to conduct training in a high school of general education, on October 23, 2018 our school received No.6361188 Certificate of Registration. It was expanded into a school of general education under the MNUMS.
By 2022-2023 school year 408 students, 37 teachers and employees are conducting educational activities.
Since its establishment, 1806 students have graduated from 18 sessions of continuous training for 20 years.
To provide high-quality education by university professors to nurture young citizens with strong mental, moral and physical abilities. Teach them respect for humanity, and ability to study, work and live independently.
- Focusing on Natural Science subjects and lead trainings above usual content standard.
- High school – University combined curriculum, specialized curricula, programs based on students’ needs practical curricula, and orientation programs for Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences students.
- Lessons and practical trainings conducted in Chemistry and Biology Labs
- Specialized teachers from School of Biomedicine, MNUMS lead the lessons such as Chemistry, Biology, Math, Physics and English scope of additional content program
- Provided by modern digital technical equipment and tools
Characteristics of High school is to prepare students who have willing to be a doctor or medical stuff and enter medical universities specially MNUMS by more teaching and practicing of natural science subjects. The activities of the high school are widely known and the number of applicants is increasing year by year. Admission to the 10th grade takes place in June of every year.