The Center for Society, Behavior, and Health is a foundational unit within the Institute of Public Health.
Our mission is to enhance the well-being of the population and promote a healthy lifestyle through education, research, and professional activities.
Within this overarching mission, we pursue the following goals:

  • Offering professional and methodological consulting services in the domains of health and social services, with a particular emphasis on

health promotion, prevention, and behavior modification.

  • Conducting research, projects, and programs directed at averting prevalent diseases within the population, while concurrently safeguarding

and enhancing public health.

  • Fostering public participation through interdisciplinary collaboration to facilitate education for the cultivation of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Exerting influence on the legal framework and policy initiatives within the realm of healthcare

In the academic year 2021, the center gained independence as an operational unit.
Our history:
In 2016-2017, the center commenced its activities under the name "Health Promotion Center" as part of the Department of Behavioral and Public Health.
Since its establishment, we have accomplished the following:

  • Organizing professional and capacity-building training for organizations

and communities.

  • Providing professional and methodological advice for the functioning of

customer support centers at university hospitals.

  • Engaging in research projects that delve into health behavior and

psychological concerns among different population groups.

  • Developing health education manuals and promotional materials for


  • Health psychology
  • Health behavior and habit
  • Psychosocial issues among target group population
  • Monitoring and evaluation among social welfare and protection policy

Our Expertise:


Our team comprises experts from various fields, including preventive medicine and health social work and social science, within the School of Public health. These professionals bring together a diverse range of expertise, including social health research, medical practice, social work, psychology, philosophy, history, and ethics, forming a collaborative and multidisciplinary unit.


Sugarmaa Myagmarjav

MD, PhD,

Position: Head of health social work and humanity department, head of center 

Profession: Medical doctor 


Health social work 


Aging research, 

Work stress, burnout

Research methodology

Validation study 

Key activities: develop research method, project, program, consultation

Address: Room #333, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar,   

Cell: 99248787

Position :faculty member, Profession: Social worker, Public health researcher Specialization : Psychological well-being of older adults Positive psychology Health behavior Community advocacy Policy research Key activities: develop research method, project, program, consultation Address: Room #333, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Cell: 99039680 E-mail:

Saranchuluun Otgon,

Master of art (social work), MPH,

Position :faculty member, Profession: Social worker, Public health researcher Specialization : Psychological well-being of older adults Positive psychology Health behavior Community advocacy Policy research Key activities: develop research method, project, program, consultation Address: Room #333, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Cell: 99039680 E-mail:

Албан тушаал: багш,судлаач

Мэргэжил: Нийгмийн ажилтан, НЭМ судлалч


●       Ахмад настаны сэтгэл мзүйн асуудал

●       Сэтгэлмзүйн сайн сайхан байдал

●       Эрүүл мэндийн зан үйл

●       Олон нийтийн бодлого, нөлөөлөл

Үндсэн үйл ажиллагаа: судалгааны арга аргачлал боловсруулах, хэрэгжүүлэх, мэргэжлийн зөвлөх үйлчилгээ

Харилцах хаяг: Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг АШУҮИС-ийн төв байр 333 тоот

Утас: 99039680


Jargalsaikhan Tumurdash

Master of art (Psychology)

Position: faculty member,

Profession: Psychologist 

Specialization :

Youth violence

Adolescence and youth psychology 

Group psychology 

Key activities: develop research method, project, program, consultation

Address: Room #333, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar,   

Cell: 94091091


Nansalmaa Khaidav

Master of public health

Position: faculty member

Profession: health social worker, public health researcher, 

Specialization :

Child protection 

Organizational communication 

Non-communicable disease and prevention 

Key activities: develop research method, project, program, consultation

Address: Room #333, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar,   

Cell: 99980205


Azzaya Chimedsuren

Master of art (Clinical Psychology)

Position: faculty member., 

Profession:public health senior, psychologist 

Specialization :

Mental health 

Work stress 

Clinical psychology 

Palliative psychology 

Key activities: develop research method, project, program, consultation

Room #333, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences,Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar,   



Margad-Erdene Janchiv

Master of International Public Health

Position: faculty member

Profession: Medical doctor


Health policy and management

Disaster management

Medical surgery 


Key activities: develop research method, project, program

Room 327, School of public health, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences,Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar   

Cell: 9909-5139


Projects We Have Undertaken

Comprehensive study on promoting and safeguarding the health of secondary school students.


Ongoing Projects - 2023:


  • "Fundamental study on the health security of healthcare workers," Ministry of Health, 2023.
  • "Challenges in human resources in primary healthcare and their resolutions," Ministry of Health, 2023.
  • "Impact of Drug Treatment and Behavioral Change Interventions on Smoking Cessation - Project Victory," Loma Linda University, USA, 2023.
  • Capacity Building for Youth Violence Prevention at the Local Level, Open Society Institute, 2023.

For Graduate and Doctoral Students:


·         Participate as researchers in ongoing research projects.

·         Conduct research within our laboratories and centers.

·         Receive guidance and support in research methodology and data analysis.

·         Attend training and seminars organized by the Center for Society, Behavior, and Health.

·         Participate in academic meetings hosted by the Center, as well as at partnering institutions such as the Institute for Global Health at Michigan State University, Robert Koch Institute, and the University of Eastern Finland.

·         Engage in international meetings and short-term exchanges.


Eligibility Criteria for Student Involvement in Projects:


●       Enrolled in a postgraduate program at MNUMS

●       Completed a bachelor's or master's program in English or achieved an IELTS score of 6 or higher.

●       Demonstrated interest in research within the field of Health Education, behaviors, and psychology.

●       Willingness to travel domestically and internationally for research work.

●       Capable of working both independently and as part of a team.

●       Proficient in developing and writing research reports in English and Mongolian.

●       Possess foundational knowledge of quantitative research methodology with a desire to further expand this expertise.

●       Familiarity with the use of statistical processing software.


Contact address: Ulaanbaatar City, Sukhbaatar District, S.Zorig St., National University of Medical Sciences, Institute of Public Health, room #6. Phone: 99248787, E-mail: