Department for Teacher Development and E-Learning

The Faculty Development Program was first approved by Order No. A/259, dated December 22, 2021, of the Director of MNUMS. Within the framework of the university development policy's priority goal of creating excellent teaching staff, the program aims to continuously develop teacher training, research, professional and personal knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and disseminate best practices, and has developed a comprehensive teacher competency framework. Within the framework of the program, 5 main objectives and 39 activities are planned and implemented within 3 years.

In order to create the best human resources, support the continuous development of teachers, and improve knowledge, skills, and attitudes toward teaching and learning, 390 teachers have participated in a double number of teaching methods courses, and 60 teachers have been awarded a certificate on the right to teach by participating in a 5-module course for newly hired teachers. We are also implementing a mentorship
program for newly recruited teachers, increasing the number of foreign teachers, and implementing teacher exchange programs at constituent schools, branch schools, and hospitals.

        180 faculty have participated in training to support research methodology and publication of papers in international journals to bring faculty academic and research skills up to international standards. The number of publications in peer-reviewed international journals has also doubled in the last three years. Numerous activities are carried out to promote faculty professional and social activities and to observe faculty
academic culture and ethical standards.

In 2022, the members of MNUMS and branch schools are developing and implementing Faculty Development sub-programs for each school. The branch schools of MNUMS organized 16 training sessions for teachers to intensify the work in support of faculty development, more than 200 teachers participated in repeated numbers, and foreign and domestic teachers are invited to work.


In addition to conducting virtual training to citizens, students, and teachers; administering computer-based testing, creating e-mails for students; organizing distance learning for physicians and medical professionals; and delivering health education training and information to citizens using electronic technology.

E-learning system

It has an electronic learning system that enables learning regardless of time and space. Currently, the system has more than 46,000 users and more than 3,000 courses.


Student email address,, (about 40000)

Faculty development courses

Mobile app

The eMNUMS application, which connects to the e-learning system, allows students to study online using their mobile devices. We provide a link to download the app.

Online conference room

It is equipped with modern equipment designed to support relations between foreign universities and organizations and to organize e-learning, meetings, and academic conferences regardless of location.