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Department of Monitoring, Analysis, Evaluation and Internal auditing
Areas of activity:
1. Monitor and analyze the progress and performance of the National Mongolian University of Medical Sciences’ policy implementation, performance plans, and main activities, and give recommendations;
2. To ensure the transparency of information about activities of the composition, branch, affiliated schools, and the organizational structural unit, supervising the resolution of complaints; If in case of a dispute arises after a senior official of the department, branch or affiliated school, or structural unit investigated complaints and information about violations of laws, rules, and regulations, organizes of inspection by the decision of the director of the NMUMS, and presents the results;
3. To monitor whether financial activities are carried out in accordance with Mongolian laws, legal acts, orders, official tasks, and decisions; and evaluate and assess the state property preservation, protection, and attitudes of state properties’ consumption, prevent risks, and eliminate identified conflict;
4. Conduct a risk assessment of the university’s activities, execute risk-based internal
audit activities, create a risk assessment database, and submit proposals to the director
of the university to organize work in the area of risk mitigation and elimination;
5. Monitoring, giving instructions and recommendations, and ensuring the implementation of measures to prevent risks at classrooms and dormitories, hospitals, sanatoriums, and other places;
6. Keeping records about monitoring and evaluation, create an electronic database;