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Erkhes’’ sanatorium
“Erkhes’’ sanatorium

The sanatorium has been operating since 2008 and is located in the Selkhiin Aman area of the 20th khoroo of Sukhbaatar district, covering an area of 3 hectares and has a capacity to serve 50 people per shift, is fully covered by health insurance, and provides discounted care to the elderly. Traditional medicine and rehabilitation are a resort complex with a special permit. A total of 3 accredited professional teams provides quality care services nationwide.
The main areas of care:
Mongolian medication therapy
Massage therapy
Leprosy, comb, and whip
Vacuum treatment
Aggressive treatment
Scarves and soaking
Yoga and meditation
Physical therapy
Provides services such as dairy and milk treatment.
Contact us
Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг 18-р хороо
Бэлхийн аманд өөрийн байр
99717236, 94770821, 80140918