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Health policy and management research center
Brief introduction
It considered established the foundation of the Center in 2014 as Health Policy Research Center at the School of Public Health of MNUMS. The activities of the Center strongly linked with the training, research, and professional activities of the Department of Health Policy of the School of Public Health (SPH), and it aims to contribute to improving the availability and quality of health care services through evidence-based on health education and research results. In 2021, in order to organize the center's activities independently and increase accessibility, it was organized as a Health Policy and Management Research Center under the SPH of MNUMS. The center aims to empower health professionals, health care and service workers, implement training and education programs with health institutions, pharmaceutical companies, health NGOs, international organizations
and universities, implement health policy and management research, and conduct research, evaluating innovation and organizing a forum that brings together various stakeholders in the health sector.
The purpose of the center
To create evidence for Mongolia's health sector policy, to improve organizational management capabilities, and to become a leading institute in
research and professional activities.
- Providing qualification and organizing part-time courses in the field of health administration and management;
- Compilation of health policy evidence and evaluation of implementation;
- Providing consulting services of management, financial, and economic to healthcare institutions;
- To specialize in the field of management of executives and executive level managers of healthcare organizations;
- Cooperation and mentoring in the field of training, research, and professional activities with non-governmental organizations and private sector organizations operating in the health sector;
- Provide public research methods and research skills to students doing research in health policy, management, and public health;
Postgraduate training:
- Healthcare Administration – 6 months, 46 credit hours
- Hospital Management – 6 months, 24 credit hours
- Quality and safety of medical care – 6 months, 24 credit hours
- 11 short-term programs
- University of Tampere, Finland
- Kuopo University, Finland
- Institute for Global Health, Michigan State University, USA
Projects, last 3 years
- Global Fund, NCCD, National AIDS Spending Analysis, 2017-2022
- Global Fund, NCCD, Tuberculosis Spending Analysis, 2018-2022
- MOH, NCCD, STDs prevalence study of the pregnant women, 2019-2020
- MOH, WHO, Study on the private health insurance, 2019-2020
- MOH, HDC, Survey of customer suggestions and complaints 2019-2020
- MOH, CHD, Technical efficiency of primary health care, 2019-2020
- MOH, WHO, A survey of the quality, availability and availability of primary health care, 2018-2019
- WHO, PATH, Cost-effectiveness analysis of the human papilloma virus, 2019
- Novartis Foundation, MPHPA, Healthy Heart-Healthy UB program evaluation, 2019
- WHO, Program implementation of the adolescents’ obesity, 2018-2019
- CDC, NCCD, Economic burden of seasonal influenza, 2019-2022
1. JV Lazarus, HE Mark, Undram Lkhagvaa et al. A global action agenda forturning the tide on fatty liver disease. Hepatology. 2023, June. DOI:
10.1097/HEP.0000000000000545. (IF 13.5 – Scopus)
2. JV Lazarus, HE Mark, Undram Lkhagvaa et al. A global research priority agenda to advance public health responses to fatty liver disease. Journal of
Hepatology. 2023, 79:618-634. DOI: (IF 30.083 – Scopus)
3. Purevgerel Altangerel, Otgonbayar Damdinbazar, Urjinbadam Borgilchuluun, Dorjmyagmar Batbayar, Batmanduul Erdenebat, Tseden Purevdorj, Gantugs Yundendorj, “Years of potential productivity life lost and productivity costs associated with premature mortality caused by injury in Mongolia” Health Services Insights, Accepted
4. Munkh-Erdene Luvsan, E.Vodika, U.Jugder, et al. The Potential Cost-Effectiveness of HPV vaccination among girls in Mongolia, Vaccine: August 11
(2022) 100161
5. Tuvdendorj A, Du Y, Sidorenkov G, Buskens E, de Bock GH, Feenstra T. Informing policy makers on the efficiency of population level tobacco control interventions in Asia: A systematic review of model-based economic evaluations. Journal of global health. 2020 Dec;10(2).
6. O.Altansukh, Yu.Gantugs, et al, Diseases-attributable disability-adjusted life years in copper and molybdenum ore workers in Mongolia: 1999-2019,
International Journal of Environmental Health research
7. O.Amarsanaa, Yu.Gantugs et all, Spending Assessment and Economic Burden of COVID-19 in Mongolia, January- September, 2020, Asia Pacific
Journal of Public Health 00(0)
8. Tuvdendorj A, Konings SR, Purevdorj B, Buskens E, Feenstra TL. Reducing the Burden of Disease Through Tobacco Taxes in Mongolia: A Health Impact Analysis Using a Dynamic Public Health Model. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2022 Feb;24(2):233-
9. Altansukh O, Gantugs Yu, Erdenechimeg Erdenebayar, et all, Respirable Dust and Respirable Crystalline Silica Concentration in workers of Copper Mine, Mongolia, Journal of Occupational Diseases and Environmental Medicine,
10. Lazaruis JV, Mark HE, Viollota-Rivas M, Oidov B, Undram L et al. The global NAFLD policy review and preparedness index: Are countries ready to address this silent public health challenge?