Batbaatar Gunchin

Personal Information: 

  • Marital status: Married
  • Nationality: Mongolian
  • Age: 58
  • Place of Birth: Ulaanbaatar City

Date of birth: 11th September 1966

Work experience: 

  • 1992-2000 Lecturer, Department of Biology Genetics and Immunology, Medical University of Mongolia
  • 2000-2003 Lecturer, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical University of Mongolia
  • 2003-2006 Head Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Health Sciences University of Mongolia
  • 2006-2013 Dean, School of Biomedicine, HSUM
  • 2013-2018 President of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

Present position:

  • Vice president for Academic Affairs of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

  • Member, Academic Council of Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences
  • Chairman, Defense Committee of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
  • Chairman, Professional Committee of Clinical Immunology, Ministry of Health
  • President, Mongolian Society of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology
  • Member, Board Mongolian Society of Allergy
  • Member, State Committee for Monitoring of Biomedical Laboratories


  • 1986-1992 National Medical University of Mongolia
  • 1992-1994 Master course, NMUM
  • 1996-2000 Ph.D course, NMUM

Scientific degree:

  • 1992 Medical doctor
  • 1994 Clinical immunologist
  • 1994 Master of Science Degree in Medicine
  • 2000 Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Medicine
  • 2003 Associate Professor
  • 2008 Professor
  • 2014 Academician, Member of Mongolian Academy of Medical Sciences

Abroad trainig:

  • 1998-1999 Yonsei University of Korea, Immunology training course /9 months/
  • 2000 Okoyama University of Japan, Molecular training course /3 weeks/
  • 2004 Laussane, Swetzerland, WHO course for Clinical Immunology /45 days/
  • 2009 Yonsei University of Korea, Administration management course (2 weeks)
  • 2010 Taiwan National University, Administration management course (2 weeks)
  • 2012 International Leadership Program Scholar, USA /2 months/


  • Textbook /17/
  • Scientific article /194/
  • Abstract of scientific report /140/

Research grant: Coordinator

  • Auto-lymphokine treatment, /Yonsei University, Korea, 1998-2000/
  • Education development , /Yonsei University, Korea, 2003-2004/
  • Immuno-monitoring of acute leukemia in children, /Science and Technology Foundation of Mongolia, 2002-2005/
  • Molecular Biological Study of tooth germ and odontogenic tumor and oral cancer, /Okayama University, Grant in JSPS, 2002-2007/
  • Rotavirus infection in Mongolia, Tottora University joint project 2005-2008
  • Immune status patients with acute leukemia, Euro-Asia Pacific Uninet 2007-2008
  • Reference value of physiology, biochemistry, immunology in Mongols /Science and Technology Foundation of Mongolia, 2009-2012/
  • Detection tolerance T cell in patients with Psoriasis /Korean Government Scholarship, 2012-2015/
  • Improving medical service by advancing pre-graduate study for fundamental and medical microbiology for medical students and by updating residents and medical doctors in Mongolia, Dusseldorf University, DAAD, Germany
  • “Education development” project, Deseret International Organization and SFF