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Central Library of Medical Science
Development and implementation of professional and methodological instructions and recommendations of the library, organizing trainings, seminars, public works, improving the knowledge and education of librarians. To enrich the fund with medical and other scientific printed and electronic books, textbooks, manuals, scientific research works, conference proceedings, reports, reports, newspapers and magazines. Maintain unified and detailed records and forms of the library, follow the standards of preservation and protection of books and publications, replace and repair damaged books and publications, and conduct research on the supply of books and textbooks. Improve the library’s information search system /integrated electronic catalog/ and develop an electronic database. Providing reference bibliographic information, conducting electronic searches, reporting and promoting new books and publications, holding exhibitions, and providing methodological advice on using electronic databases. Join international and domestic library associations and consortia, cooperate with the government, public organizations, and individuals, implement projects, and exchange experiences.
Total book
Academic work
The Central Library of Health Sciences has 3 branches in Ulaanbaatar, 3 branches in rural areas and reading rooms in student’s dormitory and high school. The library has a total area of 4809.5 m2, two buildings with 895 seats, 6 book collections and 14 reading rooms. Total 179840 books and printed materials. About 132112 (73%) medical books of all books.
Research Library
The Research Library of the Central Library of Health Sciences is located in the main campus of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and has 7 floor building, 495 seats with an area of 1595 m2
Central library complex
The Central library complex of Health Sciences is located in east campus of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and has 3 floor building with 480 seats with an area of 2991.5 m2.

Nursing Library
The Branch library of The Central library of Health Sciences is located the west campus of the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences and has 110 seats with an area of 223 m2.
The E-library of the Central library of Health Sciences collection consists 8433 books and research materials, of it 4479 bachelor, masters and doctor’s dissertations and 141 conference materials.
Instructions for reading e-books
Instructions for reading academic work