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The Institute of Public Health (IPH) of MNUMS was newly established by the order of MNUMS director No. A/256 dated December 16, 2021, and operates with 2 laboratories and 3 research centers. IPH has the main functions of organizing medium and short-term training in the field of public health, implementing research projects, providing professional and methodological consulting, providing laboratory services, and organizing health promotion activities for the public.

Labrotories and Center of IPH

- Domestic projects – 8
- International projects – 7
- Domestic projects – 14
- International projects – 11
1. Development of the "Nutrition Science and Food Production Laboratory" joint
project with the Department of Food and Nutrition of the College of Human
Ecology of SNU and human resources empowerment project, 2020-2022.
2. Joint project with "APU DAIRY" LLC – "Consumption of milk and dairy
products and ability to absorb lactose", 2022.
3. In-depth assessment of primary health care services in Gobisumber aimag,
Ministry of Health, WHO, 2022.
4. Implementation assessment of the project "Expanding the use of mobile
health technology at primary health care service towards universal health
coverage in Mongolia", Ministry of Health, WHO, 2022.
5. Comprehensive research on promoting and protecting the health of
secondary school students, HMS, 2022.
6. “Spending assessment of health care of AIDS” Global Fund, Ministry of
Health, 2022.
7. “Spending assessment of health care of TB” Global Fund, Ministry of Health,
8. Training needs assessment for improving the management Capacity of
human resources in primary healthcare services and training book
development project, Ministry of Health, WHO, 2022-2023.
9. "Student-Researcher Exchange and Cooperation Program" Global Health
Institute, University of Michigan.
10. “Estimating the Burden of COVID-19 and Using Population Health Measures
for Dynamic Outbreak Surveillance (BoCo-19)” (Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Mongolia,
Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Joint International project of Ukrainian and
Uzbek scientists), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Robert Koch
Institute, 2022-2023.
11. "Capacity and Infrastructure for Health Policy Development – CATINCA
Strengthening the Information System for summary measures of population
health" project, Ministry of Education of Germany, Robert Koch Institute,
12. "Comparative study of milk consumption, lactose absorption and microbiome"
joint project with the Institute of Human History of Germany, 2019-2024.
13. Project to establish the "Mongolian Center for Occupational and
Environmental Health", NIH, 2022-2027.
14. Loma Linda University-supported project for establishing Research Center for
GIS, 2022.
15. "Effects of Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy and Behavior Change
Interventions," Clinical Trial Research, Pfizer Foundation, 2022
1. "Basic study of social security of health workers" Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Health, 2023.
2. "Problems of human resources in primary health care and their solution", Ministry
of Health, Ministry of Health, 2023.
3. "Effects of smoking cessation drug treatment and behavior change intervention –
Victory" project. Loma Linda University, USA, 2023.
4. Identification of training needs for improving management capacity for doctors
and medical staff who provide primary health care and services, curriculum and
training book development project, Ministry of Health, WHO, 2022-2023.
5. Customer survey of the General hospital for State special servants, 2023.
6. "Student-Researcher Exchange and Cooperation Program" Global Health
Institute, University of Michigan.
7. “Estimating the Burden of COVID-19 and Using Population Health Measures for
Dynamic Outbreak Surveillance (BoCo-19)” (Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Mongolia, Montenegro,
Serbia, Turkey, Joint OU project of Ukrainian and Uzbek scientists), Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Germany, Robert Koch Institute, 2022-2023.
8. "Capacity and Infrastructure for Health Policy Development – CATINCA
Strengthening the Information System for summary measures of population
health" project, Ministry of Education of Germany, Robert Koch Institute, 2022-
2024. Four doctoral sub-projects implementing within the project:
1. Lung cancer prevalence and economic burden study
2. Study of tuberculosis and economic burden.
3. Research on Covid-19 disease and economic burden.
4. Study of diabetes and economic burden.
9. "Comparative study of milk consumption, lactose absorption and microbiome"
joint project with the Institute of Human History of Germany, 2019-2024.
10. "Diabetes control package program" joint project of Shargaljuut Health Resort
and the Department of Nutrition, Department of Endocrinology, Department of
Psychology, and Department of Physical Education of MNUMS, 2023.
11. Project to establish the "Mongolian Center for Occupational and Environmental
Health", NIH, 2022-2027.
12. "Study of noise exposure and hearing loss of workers in the construction
industry" funded by the General Office of Health and Social Insurance.
13. "Evaluation of occupational safety and health risks in the health sector", Ministry
of Health, 2023.
14. It is planned to develop a methodology for the evaluation of the working
conditions of the workplaces of health care institutions, and to be funded by the
World Health Organization at the order of the Occupational Safety and Hygiene
Professional Council of the Ministry of Health.
15. "Building and developing a GIS laboratory to improve tobacco control" project
jointly with Loma Linda University, USA, funded by NIH, 2021-2024.
16. "Training teachers for Arcgis geographic information program" project 2023-2024
jointly with Loma Linda University of the United States of America and the United
States of America.
17. “Dairy consumption, lactose absorption and microbiome” ERC, 2023.
18. “Capacities and infrastructures for health policy development – strengthening
information systems for summary measures of population health (CATINCA)”
төсөл, The Federal Republic of Germany, 2023.
19. HIV/STI Surveillance Survey, Ministry of Health, Mongolia, National center for
communicable disease, Global fund, 2023 он.
20. Populatioin size estimation of female sex workers and man who have sex with
men in Mongolia, Ministry of Health, Mongolia, National center for communicable
disease, Global fund, 2023
21. Immunogenicity, safety, and reactogenicity of a BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech)
vaccine, Murdockh University, Australia, Ministry of Health, Mongolia, National
center for communicable disease, 2023.
22. A study of the immune response to the COVID-19 vaccine among health care
workers and frontline workers, Ministry of Health, Mongolia, National center for
communicable disease, 2023.
23. “The needs assessment for public health services including noncommunicable
disease (NCD) and gender issues” Asian Development Bank, 2023.
24. Early detection cost and benefit study, 2023.
25. Medium-term human resource planning in the health sector, Ministry of Health,
- International journal – 15
- Mongolian journal – 66
- International conference – 24
- Mongolian conference – 134
- International journal – 9
- Mongolian journal – 8
- International conference – 12
- Mongolian conference – 40